
About Us

It was late 2018,

A passionate audiophile and, at the time, hobbyist jewellery maker, Seb (aka Skedra) was chatting in the ZReviews chatroom one day about some of his more intricate jewellery creations. Zeos himself stepped in, intrigued by another possibility he’d spotted. “ Yeah - but can you make a cable out of this?"

Taking up the challenge, Seb buried his head in his new task and emerged some 70 hours later, blinking into the light.

He’d created this:

It’s safe to say the challenge was met – but things didn’t end there.

After seeing this beauty, many chat room users contacted Seb and his inbox was full of queries.

It made Seb realise something – there was a dearth of high-quality cables at reasonable prices and his brimming inbox was the overflow of people who wanted exactly that.

As time went by, after making several cables for friends and then friends of friends, Seb decided to start Viking Weave Cables.

During this time, a few kilometres across London, another audiophile was having another journey….. frustrated with how often the cabling was the weak point in many state-of-the-art headphones and earphones, Justin (aka doctorjuggles) employed a DIY attitude to fixing the failing connectors on his beloved equipment cables. However, once these were dismantled it soon became apparent that there was a much better way to deal with the problem. Soon he, too, was crafting audio jewellery and when he heard of someone not far across town who was a kindred spirit, the two friends-in-waiting met and devised an expanded plan. With Seb helping to get Justin up to speed with more and more of the finer details of the craft, both cable-aficionados pitted their skills to form the team we are today.

Our ethos is simply to provide a high-quality cabling option at prices that are in line with what we were seeing our audiophile friends were calling for. We source high-quality parts and outstanding wiring for our cables – all of which have received countless positive reviews for both quality and craftsmanship.

For this reason, while we have some basic cable options which are easy to order, we encourage you to get in touch with us via email to discuss your customised requirements – if we can help, we will.  

We don’t feel like we deal with customers so much as we feel like we deal with music-loving compatriots who are looking for the same things we were looking for but didn’t know quite what we wanted. Until now.